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Breathe with Us

 Doing more and constantly being on the go is praised, encouraged, and sometimes considered ideal. Constantly being on the go, irrespective of what you are doing, can be detrimental. As you plan to invest in your emotional well-being, and look for what feels nourishing for you, perhaps challenge yourself to do  less. Pick one or two possible options from this page and incorporate them as best suits you.

Reminder: coping strategies are not a replacement for process oriented therapy as exploring past experiences and examining their impact with someone you trust, can be, with the right fit, an invaluable experience.  

Progressive Muscle relaxation

Try this is you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, disconnected from your body or struggling to fall asleep. You will slowly tense and relax each muscle. Keep in mind that while you are tensing muscles but not straining them. Avoid tensing muscles in areas you have pain or injury. This exercise can provide immediate relief and most beneficial if you practice frequently. If this exercise feels overwhelming, please stop immediately. Nothing about this experience should feel difficult. 

Mindfulness Morning Routine


How you organize your morning can make a big difference to the rest of your day. Whether you chose to eat a breakfast, drink a beverage at a leisurely pace and do a few minutes of something to connect wiht yourself makes a big difference. 

Self Credit Collection for a rough day
Make a list of things you like about yourself or are proud of. If you are having a rough day, ask a friend to make the list for you,


Brain Dumping

Try brain dumping if your mind is constantly racing, planning and urgently working to keep up. Take 10 minutes to sit down in a quiet space and write down or type out all the thoughts, tasks, and worries you are carrying. The activity of writing out something that you would try to remember, provides relief. If you want to do more, you could keep going with the following steps.

1. categorize similar items from your list e.g. all worries in one list, all tasks that need to be done in another, all phone calls to be made in a third.

2. Identify or highlight time sensitive tasks and  for larger items create smalls steps towards task completion.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

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Giving yourself credit

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